Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Fishing Info
About Twysted Lyfe Charters
Where does Twysted Lyfe Charters fish?
We fish the Miami area, including Atlantic Ocean, Biscayne Bay.
What are the target fish?
Target fish include Atlantic Sailfish (Also Called ), Black Grouper (Also Called Black Rockfish, Marbled Rockfish ), Bluefin Tuna (Also Called Atlantic Bluefin Tuna), Bull Shark (Also Called Cub Shark, Ground Shark, Shark ), Cobia (Also Called Black Salmon, Crab Eater, Lemon Fish, Sergeant Fish ), Mahi Mahi or Common Dolphinfish (Also Called Dolphinfish, Common Dolphin, Mahi-Mahi, Dorado, Dourade ), Gag Grouper (Also Called Charcoal Belly, Velvet Rockfish, Grouper ), Greater Amberjack (Also Called Great Amberfish, Jenny Lind, Rock Salmon, Doronado, Madregal, Amberjack), King Mackerel (Also Called Kingfish, Spanish Mackerel ), Lesser Amberjack (Also Called False Amberjack, Little Amberjack, Amberjack ), Swordfish (Also Called Broadbill, Broadbill Swordfish, Swords), Wahoo Fish (Also Called Ono, Ono Malani, Hoo, Pacific Kingfish, Malata kingfish, Queen fish, Paala, Paere, Peto, Sierra, Solandra, Serra-da India, Kamasu-Sawara, Acantocibio, Cavala de India, Keskas, Kin Fis, Mersad, Kinkfish, Peto, Guarapucu, Thazard batard), Great Northern Tilefish (Also Called Golden Tilefish )
Where in Miami to we meet our guests?
We meet at Twysted Lyfe Charters ( 7354 Gary Ave, Miami, FL 33141, USA )
Do I need a STATE Fishing license?
Yes, a Fishing license is required
Where do I get a STATE Fishing license?
How much should I Tip?
It is customary to tip 20% of the trip total. We work tirelessly to make sure you have a guest experience!
Do I need to bring my own gear?
No, we provide standard gear such as rods and reels so you don’t need to worry about anything. But please feel free to bring you own gear if you prefer.
For further questions, please visit our Contact Us page.